An absolute must for any camping trip, this is the Kershaw Camp Tool T
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’An absolute must for any camping trip, this is the Kershaw Camp Tool Trader 1091CT! Designed to provide you with all the utensils you could ever need in one package. Includes a butcher blade, fillet blade, saw blade, spatula, spoon, fork, and two handles for each. Also, a plastic cutting board. Available at Kershaw KershawKnives camping RVing rv roadtrip trip blade butcher fillet fishing food prep’][/InstagramVideo]
An absolute must for any camping trip, this is the Kershaw Camp Tool Trader 1091CT! Designed to provide you with all the utensils you could ever need in one package. Includes a butcher blade, fillet blade, saw blade, spatula, spoon, fork, and two handles for each. Also, a plastic cutting board. Available at #Kershaw #KershawKnives #camping #RVing #rv #roadtrip #trip #blade #butcher #fillet #fishing #food #prep
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Mar 14, 2014 @ 12:09