Engraved Kershaws for Elk Camp 2016 I wish I was going to Elk Camp if
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.kershaw-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/12819094_948333291941080_664042443_n.jpg’ imgalt=’Engraved Kershaws for Elk Camp 2016 I wish I was going to Elk Camp if I could have one of these. Somebody is certainly treating their people good with these blackwashed Kershaw Lifter Knives! WWW.KERSHAW-KNIVES.NET LaserEngraving KershawKnives Kershaw knives lifter 1302BW’][/InstagramVideo]
Engraved Kershaws for Elk Camp 2016 I wish I was going to Elk Camp if I could have one of these. Somebody is certainly treating their people good with these blackwashed Kershaw Lifter Knives! WWW.KERSHAW-KNIVES.NET #LaserEngraving #KershawKnives #Kershaw #knives #lifter #1302BW
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Mar 09, 2016 @ 16:04