From now until Father’s Day 2016 we are offering $2 laser engraving! P
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’From now until Father’s Day 2016 we are offering $2 laser engraving! Please note this only applies to text laser engraving. Text engraving price is being reduced from $5.95 per line to $2 per line! (Sale does not apply to graphics and logos laser engraving) Tell father how much you love him this Father’s Day. Get him a laser engraved knife! KERSHAW-KNIVES.NET laserengraving Kershaw KershawKnives FathersDay FathersDay2016′][/InstagramVideo]
From now until Father’s Day 2016 we are offering $2 laser engraving! Please note this only applies to text laser engraving. Text engraving price is being reduced from $5.95 per line to $2 per line! (Sale does not apply to graphics and logos laser engraving) Tell father how much you love him this Father’s Day. Get him a laser engraved knife! KERSHAW-KNIVES.NET #laserengraving #Kershaw #KershawKnives #FathersDay #FathersDay2016
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Jun 09, 2016 @ 18:52