Looks like you guys took some of our advice.. Congratulations to these
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.kershaw-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/10431898_1423394144603411_1501387578_n.jpg’ imgalt=’Looks like you guys took some of our advice.. Congratulations to these graduates, Chad, Jordyn, and Jonathan! Hope you like your new edc’s! kershaw kershawknives edc custom laser engraving grad2014 graduation gift’][/InstagramVideo]
Looks like you guys took some of our advice.. Congratulations to these graduates, Chad, Jordyn, and Jonathan! Hope you like your new edc’s! #kershaw #kershawknives #edc #custom #laser #engraving #grad2014 #graduation #gift
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Jun 05, 2014 @ 15:28