The Kershaw Echelon 1880 is truly an original. The G10 handle has a li
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’The Kershaw Echelon 1880 is truly an original. The G10 handle has a light green translucence to it , which is how G10 looks in its natural state before it is colored. Because of this, you can actually see the assisted opening mechanism inside the handle. Get yours at Kershaw Kershawknives echelon knife original unique colorless translucent folder edc knifecommunity’][/InstagramVideo]
The Kershaw Echelon 1880 is truly an original. The G10 handle has a light green translucence to it , which is how G10 looks in its natural state before it is colored. Because of this, you can actually see the assisted opening mechanism inside the handle. Get yours at #Kershaw #Kershawknives #echelon #knife #original #unique #colorless #translucent #folder #edc #knifecommunity
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Apr 13, 2014 @ 13:50