HomeKershaw knives newsValentines Day Sale FREE Laser Engraving on Kershaw Knives


Valentines Day Sale FREE Laser Engraving on Kershaw Knives — 2 Comments

  1. Unfortunately, I have purchased two of your knives that didn’t last a year. Bought the first one and loved it but the spring action failed. Took it back to the store and they said tough luck. Bought another one and it failed within a year. Same story. (It was the Ken burns onion red in color) can we post my experience?

    • Yes of course you can post this experience. Did you know that the manufacturer puts a lifetime warranty on this product? Whoever you took the knife back to should know have told you that the knife is covered by the lifetime warranty. If you still have the broken knives you can send them to the warranty address on kershawknives.com for replacement. How does that sound?

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