We just made it to 400 subscribers. To celebrate we are letting the ne
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.kershaw-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/10611000_1548180485403155_1537160211_n.jpg’ imgalt=’We just made it to 400 subscribers. To celebrate we are letting the next 400 of the Kershaw Deluxe Blade Trader sets go for $39.99. Go ahead and do your shopping. Nobody can touch this price, not even Amazon. Find it at http://www.Kershaw-Knives.net KershawKnives Kershaw knives KnifeSale 1099dbtx DeluxeBladeTrader’][/InstagramVideo]
We just made it to 400 subscribers. To celebrate we are letting the next 400 of the Kershaw Deluxe Blade Trader sets go for $39.99. Go ahead and do your shopping. Nobody can touch this price, not even Amazon. Find it at http://www.Kershaw-Knives.net #KershawKnives #Kershaw #knives #KnifeSale #1099dbtx #DeluxeBladeTrader
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Aug 11, 2014 @ 11:04