negative reviews

Did you find a negative review about us while searching for reviews? During our 18 years online and over 60,000 transactions we have not made every single person happy.
How many negative reviews did you find? One? Several? Over the past 18 years and 60,000+ transactions we have fallen short on a handful of our customers’ expectations. Each day we strive for 100% perfect customer satisfaction. When you have a problem with your order we do everything in our power to make it right, within reason. 99.98% of the our customers are satisfied with their orders. This is not a made-up number. Just take the number of negative reviews you find about us and divide that number by 60,000. I assure you it’s a very small number. This isn’t to say that any time we get a negative review it doesn’t make us sad. In fact, it makes us very sad, because each time this happens it is a moment where we fell short in doing what it takes to make that customer happy.
These are things we would like you to keep in mind when deciding whether to do business with us.
- Do you leave a positive review every time you place an order online? The vast majority of people do not. They simply order their item, get exactly what they want, and they go about their day. This is what a typical positive experience looks like. Negative experiences, on the other hand, have a high review rate. If someone is dissatisfied often the first thing they want to do is leave a negative review.
- Are negative reviews only one side of the story? We believe they are. Most review sites make the merchant pay money to tell their side of the story. Then there’s the issue of customer privacy. Often the merchant is not at liberty to completely say their side of the story because doing so would violate customer privacy. We don’t participate in online review sites. Paying to voice our response raises prices for you. Participating, or otherwise spending time responding to reviews, takes time away from you. We rather spend time focusing squarely and positively on our business, which is YOU.
- “Due to Unprecedented High Order Volume…Look for the positive in us.” Because of our high commitment to customer service we are one of the few small family businesses on the internet that enjoy great success. Look at our Kershaw Knives blog, look at our Kershaw Knives instagram, look at our Kershaw Knives facebook page. You’ll discover that, day after day for 18 years, we’ve done nothing but satisfy happy customers one by one. This is why we are the largest Kershaw Knives dealer in Louisiana.
Thank you for taking the time to review our blog post. Please keep our side of the story in mind when you’re searching for reviews. Contact us any time and enjoy shopping on our website, Until next time!