Our custom engraving work for the morning. Featured here is laser engr
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’https://www.kershaw-knives.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/13150842_1806320889589263_1338329911_n.jpg’ imgalt=’Our custom engraving work for the morning. Featured here is laser engraving on the Kershaw Brawler and the Kershaw Freefall. www.Kershaw-Knives.net Kershaw KershawKnives LaserEngraving LaserEngraved edc knives CustomKnives KershawBrawler KershawFreefall’][/InstagramVideo]
Our custom engraving work for the morning. Featured here is laser engraving on the Kershaw Brawler and the Kershaw Freefall. www.Kershaw-Knives.net #Kershaw #KershawKnives #LaserEngraving #LaserEngraved #edc #knives #CustomKnives #KershawBrawler #KershawFreefall
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on May 06, 2016 @ 10:42