There’s nothing like a big fish fry to get the friends and family toge
[InstagramVideo video=” imgurl=’’ imgalt=’There’s nothing like a big fish fry to get the friends and family together.. Scale, clean, and fillet fish all with a single knife, the Kershaw Pro Grade 8.5″ Spoon Handle Knife 1288SH! Lightweight, egronomic design reduces hand fatigue, easily allowing you to get to the EATING part faster 🙂 Get yours at kershaw kershawknives prograde filletknife knife fillet fishfry fishing cooking seafood sportsmansparadise’][/InstagramVideo]
There’s nothing like a big fish fry to get the friends and family together.. Scale, clean, and fillet fish all with a single knife, the Kershaw Pro Grade 8.5″ Spoon Handle Knife 1288SH! Lightweight, egronomic design reduces hand fatigue, easily allowing you to get to the EATING part faster 🙂 Get yours at #kershaw #kershawknives #prograde #filletknife #knife #fillet #fishfry #fishing #cooking #seafood #sportsmansparadise
posted via instagram by kershawknives4u on Apr 19, 2014 @ 10:53